
Podcasts & Video

Smarter Markets Podcast, Travis Schwab, CEO at Eventus “Our mission really is to make markets safer.”

Originally published on Smarter Markets We kick off this year’s Summer Playlist with Travis Schwab, CEO at Eventus. SmarterMarkets™ host David Greely sits down with Travis to discuss the role of trade surveillance in making markets not only smarter, but safer – and how this essential piece of market infrastructure is meeting the challenge of new technologies […]

Smarter Markets Podcast, Travis Schwab, CEO at Eventus “Our mission really is to make markets safer.” Read More »

AI for Good: Improving Trade Surveillance Outcomes – A Conversation with Martina Rejsjo, Head of Product Strategy at Eventus

Originally published on RegTech Round-up Episode Description Trade surveillance is a critical component of today’s financial world, where regulations are ever-evolving. It’s not just about keeping an eye on trades; it’s about ensuring compliance, detecting anomalies, and mitigating risks effectively. Our guest, Martina Rejsjo, Head of Product Strategy at Eventus, shares insights into the complex challenges

AI for Good: Improving Trade Surveillance Outcomes – A Conversation with Martina Rejsjo, Head of Product Strategy at Eventus Read More »

GlobalTrading Podcast: Acuiti’s Trade Surveillance Market Review

Originally published in Global Trading News and FIX Trading Community Will Mitting, Founder and Managing Director at Acuiti, and Joe Schifano, Global Head of Regulatory Affairs at Eventus, discuss key themes of the recently released 2023 Trade Surveillance Market Review, which was published by Acuiti and commissioned by Eventus. The podcast was hosted by Markets Media

GlobalTrading Podcast: Acuiti’s Trade Surveillance Market Review Read More »

John Lothian News: Jeff Bolke of Eventus Talks to John Lothian News at FIA Boca

  Originally Published by John Lothian News. Jeff Bolke, the Chief Revenue Officer at Eventus, was interviewed by John Lothian News at the FIA International Futures Conference in Boca Raton, FL. about its world of trade surveillance, market risk and anti-money laundering. Bolke discussed Eventus’ three-pronged approach to success. One big advancement for Eventus in

John Lothian News: Jeff Bolke of Eventus Talks to John Lothian News at FIA Boca Read More »

Eventus Quick Cuts – Building in Crypto with Compliance First

  In this episode of Eventus Quick Cuts, our Director of Regulatory Affairs, Digital Assets Mike Castiglione sits down with Delphine Forma, Senior Compliance Manager at BitMEX. Delphine dives into how crypto companies or startups can involve compliance teams early in their product-building journey, how the Travel Rule will impact them and how they can

Eventus Quick Cuts – Building in Crypto with Compliance First Read More »

Eventus Quick Cuts – EU and UK Digital Asset Regulations

  Joining us for our latest Eventus Quick Cuts episode “EU and UK Digital Assets Regulations,” is special guest Mark Aruliah, Senior Policy Adviser from Elliptic. Mark speaks to our Director of Regulatory Affairs, Digital Assets Mike Castiglione about the key differences in European versus UK crypto regulation. Mark brings his expertise as an ex-regulator

Eventus Quick Cuts – EU and UK Digital Asset Regulations Read More »